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Roofing FAQs

FAQ page

As professionals, it’s rare. Now, if the roof deck, for example, is rotted under the shingles need repair, we can usually tell when doing the roofing estimate. However, should surprises come up, we only charge for the materials!
No problem, we are happy to do cost effective roof repairs and leave the material behind for when it’s time for roof replacement. We hope you’ll call us again when you’re ready!
No problem, we offer a free leak attic inspection service to help find the problem and solve it. We also offer a great guide on our blog to help you find it yourself, should you be up for a little DIY project. Free of charge. 🙂
No problem, we are in business for the long term. We do estimates for customers and hold our pricing for six months. Should you need to renew that pricing, we are happy to re-assess any time.
Yes, we can help! The bankers need to approve you, but we send business to the bank more frequently, so we can help you get the needed funds fast and for a fair rate! Email for more info on financing.
No, we try to stick to what we are amazing at! We have friends, though.
A: We thought you might ask that next, haha, and no. We stick to what we are good at, and maintain a network of professionals that we can refer you to that we feel can make us look good and solve your problems. So don’t be afraid to reach out to us anyways!
No problem, we do all things roofing and are happy to help!
Yes… we can’t fall off. We are fully trained in safe work practices and fall arrest. Plus it hurts, A LOT!

So take a look around, check out the blog, call us, use the chat feature, reach out and let us show you what makes us special!