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roof inspection

Why Is Your Newly Installed or Repaired Roof Leaking?

Roof leaks don’t usually develop overnight unless there was a strong storm in your area. If the weather is normal, and your roof starts leaking, that means the problem started way before the leak became obvious. According to professional roofing contractors, leaks are usually a sign of neglect. Proper and regular maintenance and inspections can ward… read more

Roof Estimate vs. Roof Inspection

Practically every roofing company in North America offers free, no-obligation estimates to customers in the areas they service. This is a good thing as you would like to find out how much it would cost to fix or replace your roof without having to pay a fee. It also allows you to get a free estimate from… read more

When Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

If there’s one part of your home that carries much of the onus of protecting you against the elements, it would be your roofing system. Many modern residential roofs are designed to last decades before showing signs of deterioration. They can also withstand a slew of common issues to which older roofs often fall victim. However, even… read more

4 Roofing-Related Questions to Ask When Buying a Home

When buying a new home, most buyers are often concerned with the aesthetic and living space offered by the house. Although this is ideal, it won’t matter very much if the roof has leaks that cause water damage. So, it’s important to ask the following questions before purchasing a home.… read more

Caring for a Commercial Roof This Winter

The roof keeps your property safe from the exterior elements. But its strength and reliability are tested at least once a year – during winter. The combination of snowfall and the low, freezing temperatures can easily damage a roof that’s not up to par.… read more