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5 Facts About Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material in North America, with a market share of over 70% among single-family homes. They are preferred for their reasonable cost, long life expectancy and classic looks. Most homeowners who have asphalt shingles as their roofing system also choose essentially the same material whenever they talk to their roofer about… read more

A One-Stop Guide to Roof Decking

Your roof is made up of many components like the shingles, attic, saddles and eaves. All these components work together to protect your home from the elements for the years to come. Understanding how these components work can help you maintain your roof better and makes it easier for you to communicate with your roofer company.… read more

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Roof Replacement Project

Replacing your roof is a major project. If done right, you can protect your home further and easily improve your home’s resale value. However, to ensure it’s installed correctly, you’ll have to properly plan for your roofing project. Unfortunately, some homeowners tend to make a few mistakes when planning for their roof replacement.… read more