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roofing system

What Is a Scissor Truss?

Scissor trusses present a compelling option to those looking for innovative roofing solutions. Used in building construction to support pitched roofs with a sloped or raised ceiling surface, scissor trusses provide aesthetic appeal along with functional benefits that can be a game-changer for your next project. Learn more about them in this post.… read more

Common Types of Roof Vents

Proper attic ventilation is critical in maintaining the health and longevity of your roof, especially in regions with variable weather conditions. A balanced ventilation system not only extends the life of your roof but also helps regulate the temperature within your home, reducing energy bills and preventing moisture-related issues.… read more

How to Protect the Most Sensitive Areas of Your Roof

Caring for your roof is essential to ensuring its longevity and protecting your home from water damage and other issues. While the entire roof structure needs attention, some parts are more vulnerable than others and require special care. In this article, the trusted roofers at Jack The Roofer share tips on how to care for your roof’s… read more

What Can Good Attic Insulation Do for Your Roof?

Insulation in your attic serves as a protective barrier against harsh conditions outside of your home. It also helps keep air where it belongs while maintaining the desired temperature in your living space. While it is often an overlooked component of the roofing system, attic insulation is integral in preserving the condition of your roof.… read more

Signs Your Roof Was Poorly Installed

A roof is properly installed when all components, accessories and materials are correctly placed using the right techniques. However, if you hired an unqualified person to do the job, this could result in poor roof installation. To help ensure your investment lasts long, work with a roof replacement company that has a reputation for excellent workmanship. … read more