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Roof Maintenance

When Should You Repair or Replace Your Roof?

If there’s one part of your home that carries much of the onus of protecting you against the elements, it would be your roofing system. Many modern residential roofs are designed to last decades before showing signs of deterioration. They can also withstand a slew of common issues to which older roofs often fall victim. However, even… read more

Do You Need Preventive Maintenance for Your Commercial Roof?

Many property owners and building managers only look for a roofer company when their roofing system is already showing signs of problems. Oftentimes, this is when the problem has advanced to a serious stage and is in a huge risk of failing completely. This can be dangerous for a number of reasons, not the least of which… read more

4 Roofing-Related Questions to Ask When Buying a Home

When buying a new home, most buyers are often concerned with the aesthetic and living space offered by the house. Although this is ideal, it won’t matter very much if the roof has leaks that cause water damage. So, it’s important to ask the following questions before purchasing a home.… read more

How Moisture Damages the Roof

Water damage is the number one enemy of the roof, but the danger isn’t always from the rain. Too much moisture, whether from outside or from within your home, can do long-lasting damage to the roof.… read more

Carbon Monoxide Leaks Resulting from Hail Damage

The best roof repair contractor might be able to fix cosmetic issues brought about by hail damage, but one of the things people don’t often realize is that these things can damage not just your roof, but also the structures within your roofing system as well. In this case, hail can end up damaging the… read more